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Lived Experiences

One of HBGI’s central tenets is that we will fully embed the perspectives of people most affected by brain health research in both strategy and action to make a real impact. To that end, HBGI is taking two parallel approaches toward integrating people with lived experiences of neurological disorders and mental health challenges (whether personal or in supporting family or friends).

First, HBGI works to welcome people with lived experiences at all levels of HBGI. Secondly, HBGI is building sustainable structures to ensure meaningful lived experience integration throughout our organization and to create an environment that is not only diverse but inclusive. HBGI believes that people with lived experiences are the ones who will guide us in creating those structures. To do this, HBGI has formed our Lived Experience Council.

What are lived experiences?


Lived experiences refer to the experiential knowledge of someone who has personal experiences of a particular phenomenon. Within the brain health landscape, lived experience can refer to someone with personal experience with mental or neurological challenges, whether they have lived with the condition themselves or have cared for a friend or family member with the condition.

Why integrate lived experiences into our organization?


Please read our report on Transforming the Way We Work.

What are the key principles surrounding engagement with lived experiences?


HBGI follows four working principles in its approach to engagement:

  1. Deliberate integration of people with lived experiences from the bottom-up

  2. Including a diversity of perspectives

  3. Building trust and sharing power between people with and without lived experiences

  4. Ensuring accountability to these principles.