Kimberly Allen

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Kimberly Allen is a licensed addictions professional and past fully licensed insurance agent for over a decade, using her training and experience to form her behavioral healthcare consulting business. A past addiction treatment center Administrator with experience in managed mental healthcare and employee assistance programs, Kimberly’s areas of expertise include providing technical assistance and consulting designed for addiction treatment provider organizations, focused on processes and procedures related to insurance. Kimberly’s experience includes partnering through leading behavioral health consulting companies in the United States. Her areas of focus include organizational leadership and planning and strategizing for business development. Kimberly serves on numerous boards, including The University of Texas in Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work. She is a leading mental health advocate, engaged as an inaugural member of the Healthy Brains Global Initiative Lived Experience Council, and is an advocate with Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) national office, recently receiving the 2022 DBSA Peer Advocate of the Year. Kimberly is a published coauthor in recognized academic journals, collaborating on research and projects focused on mood disorders, insurance research, and related topics. An experienced speaker, her areas of focus include helping to improve shared decision-making with patients and medical professionals, and the value and use of behavioral health recovery peers in integrated healthcare settings and managed care environments.